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Make your wishes come true, by 10s and 100s.
Wish Lid
$1.00 - $100.00
Lids, candles + you make wishes come true!SelectQuantityComing soon9 7907
Passcode: 115987
Wishes shine inside us.
They’re a constellation of lights,
a runway out of the dark,
waiting to take-off into the world.
We close our eyes and see what’s possible.
Like glittering stars, our wishes light up.
We hold our breath and breathe life into them.
It illuminates the world.
We wish for love.
We wish for happiness; we wish for health; we wish for wealth.
We wish for a future that leaves our present in the past for a better world.
We wish there was one skin color: human.
With so many wishes flickering (like a candle) within, why do we only make them once a year?
Don’t you wish there was a way to make them everyday?
Hold your breath.
Make a wish.
Count to three.
Make your wish come true.
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